Fin de Touching History
Touching History c'est terminé!!!
"Many of you will know through this site and chats I have had with some of you, that I am looking to take up some new challenges of a non-wargaming nature, notably my Hadrian's Wall tours.
To establish these I need to start a large amount of marketing locally and nationally. I also have to create a new web site which is far superior to this humble one, as well as do a whole lot of other things now rather than later.
Very sorry, but this leaves anyone who wants to buy my model books, just 6 weeks to do so. Please could you all spread the word about this."
Comme vous pouvez le lire, Paul Darnell cesse son activité principale pour se lancer dans le tourisme, en l'occurence l'organisation de visites du mur Adrien.
Son excellent magazine sur la création de décors sera désormais un collector. Vous pouvez encore vous les procurer pendant 6 semaines sur son site.
Bonne chance à lui dans son nouveau projet , et dommage pour moi car j'étais un fan de son travail.
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